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8 Tips To Make A Multiple Choice Test

8 Tips To Make A Multiple Choice Test

Making a multiple choice test may seem to be tough but if proper rules are known, then it is actually quite easy. Today we are to discuss 8 tips that would be helpful to make a multiple choice test.

8 Tips To Make A Multiple Choice Test

8 Tips To Make A Multiple Choice Test

#1 Mix up correct answers with wrong ones:

8 Tips To Make A Multiple Choice Test

While giving options, try to trick the attempter by putting the correct answer in between few wrong answers. This is generally one of the basic rules of making multiple choice test. Also mix up the pattern of correct answers for each question of the set. This way the attempter will not be able to guess the answers by following the pattern.

#2 Same length option:

8 Tips To Make A Multiple Choice Test
Try to provide options of approximately same length. Because if any of the option is too long or too short, attempter may consider that to be the correct answer which in actual may or may not. This would prove out to be either very advantageous or very disadvantageous for the candidate.

#3 Be careful with “All of the above & “None of these”:

8 Tips To Make A Multiple Choice Test
Always be careful while using “all of the above” & “none of these” as one of the options. It cannot be used anywhere you want. It means that either all the options for the given question is correct or all of them are wrong. This can be used as a fourth option after including the coordinated options first.

#4 Limit the options:

8 Tips To Make A Multiple Choice Test

Put three to four options and not more than that. Putting too many options to be selected may confuse the attempter a lot. This would not be needed as distractors will already be present in the options.

#5 Abstain trick Questions

8 Tips To Make A Multiple Choice Test

As there will already be the presence of distractors in the form of options, it is not so necessary to use tricky questions much.

#6 No negative words:

8 Tips To Make A Multiple Choice Test

Avoid using negative words while making a multiple choice test. Students often overlook the negative words and tick the wrong answer thinking it to be the right one. For example,

Q. Which of the following is not a fruit?

a. Tomato
b. apple
c. banana
d. all of the above

#7 Avoid having answer hints on the question itself:

8 Tips To Make A Multiple Choice Test

Always avoid using hints on the question or any key word that is associated with the answer of the question. Sometimes it is good but not always.

#8 Take your time:

8 Tips To Make A Multiple Choice Test

Take your time to make such test papers. This will help you cover each portion of which the test is to be taken and also would help you not get confused while putting options.

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About the author

Charmin Patel

Blogger and Digital Marketer by Choice and Chemical Engineer By Chance. Computer and Internet Geek Person Who Loves To Do Something New Every Day.