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Best 10 April Fool’s Day Prank Ideas

Best 10 April Fool’s Day Prank Ideas

April fool, the all fools day is celebrated on 1st of April every year. On this day, people do practical jokes and enjoy. On this day, people perform practical jokes, newspapers publish fake stories and some people do pranks just for laughing purpose. The victims of this Fool Day are called “April Fools”, and after making them fools, people shout loudly “April fool April fool”. The practical jokes which are practiced on this day are harmless actions but some people turn those pranks in to real problems. April fool day should be celebrated by doing harmless jokes and we should take care of others that no one gets any trouble due to our fake practical joke. Here we are going to tell you about some ideas which you can try with your friends, and siblings:

  • Airhorn to the seat/Chair:

If you attach an Airhorn below the chair of your colleague or friend, then it will beep when he/she sits on the chair.


  • Mouse Prank

Take mouse of your friend’s computer and attach a piece of paper below the mouse in such a way that there will be blockage and mouse will not work.


  • Delicious onions

Take some onions and peel off them, then cover these onions like they look something very delicious, then present it to your loved ones, your friends and then see their expressions.


  • Cover yourself in a Car’s seat

You can adjust yourself in a car’s seat in such a way that you can touch someone sitting on the seat. Then see their reaction, they will look hilarious.


  • Replace the Air Freshener

Replace the air freshener of your friends with shrimp scent by changing the outer cover. It will be a hilarious scene obviously.


  • Hot sauce on toothbrush

Pour some hot sauce on your friend’s/sibling’s tooth brush and wash it but not complete wash. It will be very spicy for them.


  • Plastic wrap on soap

Wrap the bathroom soap in plastic transparent sheet in such a way that it is invisible. They will wash hands but there will be no foam.


  • Mayonese instead of icing on cupcakes

Offer your girl friend a very delicious gift of cupcakes that have mayonese instead of icing on it. it will be delicious for her.


  • High volume of television

Increase the volume of television and then turn it off, when they will tunr on the television, they will meet a very loud sound. The enjoying moment it will be.

  • Surround the car with shopping carts

If you are in a mall, then surround your friend’s car with many shopping carts that it will be difficult to take the car out.


There is a treat for you!!!!

Yeah April fool, have some more ideas for April fool day, go down please!

  • Paint a soap, paint some small box in such a way that it will look like a real soap
  • 9
  • Leave fake insects or rats on your sibling’s bed
  • 10
  • Replace sanitizer in the bottle
  • Make a horrible face painting and hang it on mirror
  • Replace the cream in biscuits with toothpaste
  • Make a fake juice by giving a color to water
  • Set the clock one hour ahead
  • Spread Vaseline on door knob
  • Present some delicious stone food to your siblings
  • Set some glue on their hair brush.

Above all are really interesting and practicable jokes which you can practice on 1st April.

We were saying about some treat? Yes we have presented it, all of the above mentioned ideas. Oh April fools.


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About the author

Rafia Hasan

I am a Mphill student, basically from Biological sciences. My passion is to promote the love for knowledge and education. Content writing and essay writing is proving to be a great experience to enjoy my student life.