Essay / Paragraph / Note

Consumer Awareness : Essay , Article , Speech

Consumer Awareness : Essay , Article , Speech

Business has been improving day by day and the techniques for modern business have been introduced. All the companies are working to to meet their standards and an air of competition has been developed. The business of a company depends on the consumers, those who use the product and those who are getting in-touch with the business. So, consumer has the highest importance but he is not getting the required attention. Consumer awareness is necessary to enhance consumer’s value, by telling him that he is important and business depends on him.

Consumer Awareness : Essay , Article , Speech

Consumer is a very important component of society, and business is dependent on consumer. When things are short in market, or some specific products are getting short, have less supply then consumers have no choice other than to buy those products on high prices. If they try to get product on low rates then they get low quality material, have to face misleading advertisements etc. Misleading advertisements refer to the fake or improperly conveyed messages about different products, which tell that the product is of high quality but the reality is different.

Three stages of consumer awareness have been defined to tell people what they need and what they have to know.

  • Create awareness about the need of something or about problem
  • Describe the solution of the problem
  • Sell your product or the solution of problem

The first step in creating consumer awareness is t tell people that they need something; they have a problem which should be solved. The second step is to tell them a solution that there is something which can resolve their problem. And then, present your product and sell it. Create awareness that consumers are important, they have to understand their value. The result if creating consumer awareness is some healthy competition. This healthy competition will improve the business and reduce the fraud.

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About the author

Rafia Hasan

I am a Mphill student, basically from Biological sciences. My passion is to promote the love for knowledge and education. Content writing and essay writing is proving to be a great experience to enjoy my student life.


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