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Essay On Dowry System

Are you Aware of DOWRY SYSTEM ? : Essay On Dowry System

Short Essay On Dowry System : According to Wikipedia Marriage, also called matrimony or wedlock, is defined as a socially or ritually recognized union or legal contract between spouses that establishes rights and obligations between them, between them and their children, and between them and their in-laws. It is one of the most important event that happens in an individual’s life.

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Marriage comprises of so many different rituals. The rituals vary according to the religion. In some religion it is a 3 day ceremony while in some it is a single day ceremony. It is a time of joy, a time of laughter. A time when people rejoice. Friends and family meet to make this event a memorable one.

Essay on dowry syster

But along with marriage another word comes into picture called DOWRY. A not-so-wanted tradition established by our ancestors. The tradition still prevails in most of the parts of India despite the strict laws made by the government. Dowry can be called as a payment which the bride’s father gives to the bridegroom or his family. The payment can be given in the form of cash, jewelry (gold, silver, diamond, platinum,etc.), property, household appliances or other valuables as the bridegroom’s family demands. If the demands of the bridegroom’s family are fulfilled and they are satisfied by the dowry; the bride’s family is assured that their daughter will be happy and safe after marriage.

But the question that arises is, what is the need of this tradition or system? Why do people still believe in taking dowry and why do people still give dowry? Is marriage a deal where in return of a husband the girl’s family has to give payment?

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Government has taken umpteen steps to stop this system, strict laws are made and are also implemented. But still this system is followed in major parts of India. Who is responsible for this failure?
The bridegroom’s family who despite of the laws asks for dowry, or the bride’s family who gives dowry?
Majority of the people who give dowry is out of fear. There have been multiple cases in the past where either the girl is harassed by her in laws or is abandoned when demands of dowry is not satisfied. In extreme cases murders for dowry also have occurred. To see their daughter smiling and happy parents are forced to give dowry. In many cases the demand of money continues for the whole lifetime. This is one of the major reason behind the unbalanced sex ratio, behind the killing/abortion of a girl child.

In olden days, system of child marriage was being followed. Children were married and after the marriage the girl was sent to live at her husband’s house. The husband was approximately of the same age as the girl. Hence dowry was given for the good upbringing of both the children, to reduce the financial stress on the bridegroom’s family. But today when marriages take place at an age when it is possible for the bridegroom to earn money and take care of his family, dowry system is irrelevant. The bride in many cases is well educated and qualified. Even she can act as a helping hand to the family in which she is getting married. The boy and girl both are educated, then why the girl’s family need to give dowry? They have also spent, just like the boy’s family, money behind the education of their child. Then why this discrimination still exists? Why this dowry system is still being followed?

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We all are educated enough to understand the difference between right and wrong. This tradition is baseless. Just because he is a boy doesn’t make him different. We should all take an initiative to end this tradition. The end to this tradition will not only bring peace to many lives but also no parent will be tensed on the birth of their girl child.

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About the author

Charmin Patel

Blogger and Digital Marketer by Choice and Chemical Engineer By Chance. Computer and Internet Geek Person Who Loves To Do Something New Every Day.

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