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Essay On My Summer Vacation | How I Spent My Summer vacation

[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Essay on My Summer Vacation | Short Note on My Summer Vacation | How I spent My Summer vacation | Experience about My Last Summer Vacation[/box]

Well, when it comes to describing my own experiences it is always supposed to reveal something unique. How are ideal summer holidays supposed to be spent? Obviously even i would say that i want to go on a vacation at some hill station or maybe go on any such interesting outskirts of the town if any. Well, every time things doesn’t move in the same direction as our wishes. Since me and my family are never free at the same time, no plan was possible as far as trip is concerned. Also my brother had his board exam that year so there was a curfew in most of the usual fun related activities such as listening to music a little loudly, playing multiplayer games in computer and what not.


At first i was not being able to figure out quite well about what i was going to do all those 40days of holidays. Then i realized that all that i wanted was a much needed break from that hectic schedule of college. I was also in my third year degree course, so i too was bound by a pressure. First few days i did really nothing. Just killing time by sleeping or by sitting ideally doing nothing constructive. I read somewhere that doing nothing like this for a week reduces IQ by 20 percent! So thoughts were randomly running on my mind and then suddenly i got alert. I sat down wit my diary and wrote down whatever was going on in my mind. I decided to use the vacation properly. First of all i decided to call home my cousin sister to stay with me for a few days. She is much younger than me but still i always find her company very energizing for me. I decided to get her involved in decorating my scrapbook. We used to watch movies together, try new dishes , randomly clicking pics here and there,etc. I too never felt so entertained. I was trying new things everyday. I have a few mango trees at my home. So my vacation was very fruity too. Jack fruit, blackberries both added to it. It went on like this for a few days. Like around 10 days. After that my sister went home. I was also refreshed by then. Then quite willingly rest of the vacation i spent studying and doing assignments. I have a lot of hobbies. So though i was alone i was enjoying it in my way. Few times i hanged out too with friends. So my vacation was very well spent without any special holiday package. Life is what we make it. So that what i live unto.

[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Essay on My summer vacation, Short note on My Summer Vacation, How I spent My Summer vacation, Experience about My Last Summer Vacation[/box]

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About the author

Charmin Patel

Blogger and Digital Marketer by Choice and Chemical Engineer By Chance. Computer and Internet Geek Person Who Loves To Do Something New Every Day.

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