Essay / Paragraph / Note

Visit to a Museum : Essay, Speech, Report, Article, Composition, IELTS Cue Card

Visit to a Museum : Essay, Speech, Report, Article, Composition, IELTS Cue Card

“Museums are managers of consciousness. They give us an interpretation of history, of how to view the world and locate ourselves in it. They are, if you put it in positive terms, great educational institutions “.

I had a chance to visit to The Assam State museum while I was in Guwahati for a vacation few years ago. I did not know that the visit would be so captivating. When we are a child we do not understand the value to such things. Even if we go to an art gallery or museum, we are simply at a rush to see one after another all the things and just pass by the artifacts displayed. But that is not the case when we grow up. We understand that each an everything displayed are having some reason for being there.

Visit to a Museum : Essay, Speech, Report, Article, Composition, IELTS Cue Card

Talking about the experience, when we entered the museum there were many people along with school children who were accompanied by their teachers. Most probably they were on an educational trip.

The sculpture sections preserved many such treasures from the powerful dynasties who ruled Assam. The statues were excavated from all over Assam and some were found buried amidst the urban areas. Those were found during construction of buildings.

The museum preserves 14,000 objects and 5,000 are on display. The Museum is divided into sections such as ethnography, sculpture, painting, village life section, etc. New galleries have also been added such as the Woodcraft gallery and Natural history gallery. To go through each and every object properly, it would probably take a whole day.

The village life section was very nice to see. A traditional village with all its rural getup is very nicely replicated in display. All the objects definitely have a history behind it and the true interpretation may or may not be actually known. The mystery therefore makes history and historical objects a subject to be researched and discussed always.

The visit was very educative and therefore it was overall a very nice experience. It reminds us of our glorious past and a journey through the museum actually gives a full glimpse of the history of Assam.

Questions on Visit to a Museum

  • A visit to a Museum
  • My First Visit to Museum
  • Experience about visit to a Museum
  • Essay on Museum
  • Paragraph on visit to a Museum
  • Essay on Visit to a Museum
  • Article on Visit to Museum
  • Speech on Visit to a Museum
  • Brief Report on Visit to a Museum
  • Visit to a Museum IELTS CUE Card

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About the author

Charmin Patel

Blogger and Digital Marketer by Choice and Chemical Engineer By Chance. Computer and Internet Geek Person Who Loves To Do Something New Every Day.