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Importance Of Teacher Essay , Article , Speech [ My Favorite Teacher ]

Importance Of Teacher Essay , Article , Speech

My Favorite Teacher Essay , Speech , Article

Teacher : An Important Gift of God

A teacher is a very valuable gift from God to us. A teacher is considered to be a God as it is he who is the builder of entire universe however a teacher is considered to be the designer of a good homeland. Teachers are very esteemed people in the world by the general public who takes a lot of dependability to raise the mind status and living standard of the universal people through their magical way of teaching. Parents have loads of expectations from the teachers for their kids. The role of a teacher varies from learner to learner. A teacher is a very important element in the life of one and all, which is believed to be performing special tasks in our existence.

Importance Of Teacher Essay , Article , Speech [My Favorite Teacher]

Importance Of Teacher Essay , Article , Speech [My Favorite Teacher]

Importance of Teacher

Education is measured as the most influential weapon of life to get victory and triumph. This great task and job is given to the teachers to nurture and form up the lives of the immature and the future of their country. The teachers plays a great part towards the instruction and shaping up both present and future of a student.

Even before approaching to the classroom, an exceptional teacher ensures his/her aspiration of education on a daily basis. Every teacher has a different method of teaching their students. They contrast in their awareness, skills, and mind-set in teaching detailed subjects. They attempt their best and do all hard work in helping the students to accomplish their goals in life. School life is assumed as the best time of everyone’s life as this is the point when we learn fundamental things about life and other different subjects. All of us lay down our goals in the school time which decides the progress of our nation. Each and every student opens up their minds and sees the world in a very different aspect which enhances their skills and awareness by contribute in the co-curricular activities such as sports education, games, quizzes, debates, speech recitation, expedition, essay writing, tours, field trips, group discussion and much more.

Read Also : How To Find Special Education Teachers

Teachers Our Best Friends

Teachers are moreover the best friends of their students who help them in making your mind for the true path in your life. There are a lot of teachers in schools or colleges but just one of them becomes the favorite of any student. Teachers set our goals of education through their combined roles of inimitable teaching and learning course of action. Our teachers inspire us to always labor in unity. Our teachers recognize the problems we are facing and deal with it in both ways- individually and professionally. They train us to have an optimistic approach towards life. An admirable teacher is the one who only gives his/her students and accepts nothing whole life in its place he/she becomes contented with the victory of the students. A greatest teacher is the one who provides a role model to the upcoming generation for his/her nation.

Read Also : Teacher’s Day : Essay , Speech , Importance , Paragraph

Role of Teacher in Shaping Generation

Proper education is the only way to eliminate social issues, corruption, etc from the nation which eventually lead to the genuine growth and advancement of a nation. Good education and good teachers is the need of the generation.

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About the author

Disha Setia

A creative and passionate writer who loves to play with words. An ardent lover of english literature. Strongly believes in the power of words.She likes being original and innovative in her work.