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Importance of Time Management, Essay, Article, Speech

Importance of Time Management , Essay , Article , Speech

What is Time management ?

Wikipedia gives us a definition, “ Time management is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity “.

Time management is life management. 
Robin Sharma , Leadership Speaker

Why Time Management ?

Time management is an essential component in our daily lives. It helps us to keep track of the time we spend on every activity. It helps to prioritize and give importance to jobs according to their terms. Tracking our activities is important to categorize 24 hours of our day. Time lost is definitely not retrieved. Hence we should make sure that we use our time effectively.

There are various methods in which we can manage our time. A common method utilized is making a check list or a time table. The “things to do” list helps to complete our tasks within the allotted time and moving on to the next one. The time table stresses to finish an activity within the given time. Time management becomes important for students as well as professionals.

Importance of Time Management , Essay , Article , Speech

Need of Time Management

Students need to manage the time in the right manner to incorporate their study time into their busy schedule. Last date submissions for professionals can be worked out real quick if time schedules are set straight. Our time table should not only involve our jobs and study time, but we should ensure that we take a break for leisure time. This may include limited amount on gadgets. Recreational activities can also include family time, or indulging one self into hobbies.

Read Also : Importance of Time Essay , Article , Speech

Advantages of Time Management

Time management helps us to maximise the time slots to get our goals straight and without wasting our time. A pre planned scheduled helps to get the things done on time or before expected. Time management is acquired by a set of techniques that we acquire over time. These techniques help us tackle dead lines, arranging activities according to their priorities etc.


Time management helps everyone in the long run. It helps to build a personality and the way others see us. We can confidently work on our stuffs and have a stress free life once we chart out the time we spend in our 24 hours a day life span.

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