

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” Martin Luther King has majestically paved out way for the glory and magnificence of an ‘essential essence’ called love in the above lines. Love, although, has no perfect or imperfect, ambiguous or definite definition, yet it can be aptly expressed as a variety of different feelings, states, attitudes that ranges from interpersonal affection to pleasure.
‘I love this attire; I love my mother; I love dogs; I love to eat and I also love to sleep’, the frequency with which this four- letter word is used in an average day by an average human being is mind blowingly huge. One may not be completely smitten by the significance the word has but that, more or less, does not prohibit one from wearing this exquisite, optimistic and unusually artistic feeling up on their sleeves. Love can surely be referred as an emotion of a strong attraction and personal attachment. It can also be a virtue representing human kindness, compassion and affection- “the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another”. It may also describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one’s self or animals.
It is often said that a flower cannot blossom without sunshine and man cannot live without love, indeed true. Even Maslow’ s hierarchy of needs could not put a blind eye towards this insurmountable law of nature. William Shakespeare couldn’t be more righteous in his statement, ‘love all, trust a few, do wrong to none’, in expressing the pervasiveness and indefinite boundaries of love. There are movies, stage plays, songs, books and even dictionaries on love but love is not something for us to find, rather love is something that finds us.

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About the author

Charmin Patel

Blogger and Digital Marketer by Choice and Chemical Engineer By Chance. Computer and Internet Geek Person Who Loves To Do Something New Every Day.

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