Essay / Paragraph / Note

Pollution In Delhi Essay, Speech, Article, Paragraph, Composition

Pollution In Delhi Essay, Speech, Article, Paragraph, Composition

Delhi People are You Breathing Oxygen or poison?

Pollution In Delhi

The season of lights and happiness left the country capital with an atmosphere which did not allow the eyes to stare at those lights widely neither the heart healthy enough to rejoice the festive. The people of Delhi saw a hazy sunset the next day of Diwali and its people inhaled toxic gases instead of oxygen. According to the daily reports the air quality of Delhi measured 999 while the normal index is 150.

People all over the globe suffers from the problems of poverty, inequality, injustice, financial crisis and the citizen of India’s capital are agonized with the air they take in for survival.  The festival ended weeks ago but left its lingering smog over the capital.

Pollution In Delhi Essay, Speech, Article, Paragraph, Composition

Pollution In Delhi Essay, Speech, Article, Paragraph, Composition

The Govt. of Kejriwal during the election campaigned promised to reduce the pollution level of the Delhi. The Govt. did take measures and the measures are trying to work on its best. The following are few initiatives which the Delhi Govt. and Supreme court has taken to make people breathe healthy:

Control Measures taken to Reduce Pollution in Delhi

The Odd – Even Formula

According to this The scheme initiated in January , the vehicles of odd and even numbers will run on different days. It would reduce the pollution level as well as the inconvenience caused due to the cumbersome of vehicles.

Taking care of our protectors

The Govt. has provided masks to the traffic policemen. It would protect them in the midst of the cloud of pollution.

Why should rich be spared?

The Supreme Court has banned the vehicles that are above than 2000cc. These will apply on the SUV’s also.

The taxi’s owners turn: The Supreme Court has ordered all the taxi’s in the capital to get converted in CNG by March 2017.

The National Green Tribunal has appealed to the public portals and administration to evade out all the diesel vehicles. We all know that diesel is cheaper but are we ready to pay the highly charged hospital bills?

The Govt. will play its part but that do not make ours any less. The measures which all the citizens must take to keep the pollution level dwindling are:

Control Measures Should Be Taken By Citizens of Delhi to Reducr Pollution

No to privacy, Yes to Publicy

Citizens need to start the public transport more and more to reduce the pollution level in city. Govt. has ensured to increase the no. of buses and auto-rickshaws in the capital as well.

Stop being miser

Citizens have to start using CNG in the vehicles. It may cost more than diesel but if health is there then we are there.

For a period you need to hide that beautiful face

The use of masks on the face such as N99 and N95 will save people from breathing toxics to great extent.

To no longer see the hazy view

Citizens need to avoid all kinds of contact near construction sites. These sites release gases which makes the air very harmful for eyes and for the respiratory system.

The above measures are known by many of us yet the level of national capital remains at 11th in the ranking of WHO for the most polluted cities. The practicing of the above measures is the need for hour and to live happier days with our loved one is we all demand.I whole heartedly appeal to every citizen to take steps to make pollution free capital, a pollution free India.

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About the author

Aashini Goyal

Writing is passion
Keen is my observation
Dream is to hold an administrative position