
Thunder Supermoon July 2022 | Buck Moon 2022 | How,When to see July’s full Moon (Super Moon)?

Thunder Supermoon July 2022 | Buck Moon 2022 | How, When to see July’s full Moon (Super Moon)?

There are still a tonne of celestial treats waiting for those who are able to look to the sky, despite the fact that there are less hours of darkness. Recently, noctilucent clouds have been observed in several parts of the UK, and this unusual phenomenon—even if it is growing more common—might excite for another month or so on bright, summer evenings.

The brightest star in the night sky at this time of night is the blueish-white star Vega in the constellation Lyra, which is straight above at about midnight. Also to look forward to are a variety of meteor showers, including the Perseids later in the month.

The second supermoon of the year will be in July, but when will the Buck Moon be visible? In what constellation will it show up? And when is the most ideal time to watch it? Below are answers to these and other questions.

When can I see the Buck Moon 2022?

On July 13, 2022, the Buck Moon will be visible in the UK and other countries.

On July 11, the day before the Moon reaches its full phase, it will pass 3° north of Antares, the brightest star in the constellation of Scorpio. The Moon will pass 4.1° south of Saturn, which is now tucked away in the constellation Capricornus, on July 15, two days after the Moon reaches its full phase.

If you are unable to witness the Buck Moon at its fullest on Tuesday, June 11, or Thursday, June 14, 2022, it will also be full on those days.

What is the best time to see the Buck Moon?

This year’s Buck Moon will reach its brightest point around 6:38 p.m. on Wednesday, June 13, in the early evening. The ideal time to watch the Buck Moon will be on the evening of June 13 shortly after moonrise at 9:47 pm, while the Moon is still low on the horizon because this is still within daylight hours and before the Moon has risen from our point of view in the UK.

On Wednesday, June 13, at approximately 10 p.m., if you can, get outside to take in the lovely summer night and watch the Moon rise. With clear skies, we should be treated to a fairly stunning supermoon as the moon will rise in the southeast at 9:47 p.m. The Moon illusion will also be in effect, making the moon look bigger and brighter.

But since the Buck Moon will still be below the horizon when it reaches perigee—its closest point to the Earth—at 9:06 a.m. that morning, we won’t be able to view the Moon at that time. The Moon will travel just 357,272 kilometres from Earth at its closest point in this lunar cycle.

What is the Moon illusion?

Moon Illusion Supermoon

The Moon Illusion occurs when the Moon is still low on the horizon during moonrise and moonset and seems larger. It’s just our human eyes being deceptive, but it’s excellent if you want to take a few pictures of the Moon. Scientists don’t yet know why this happens, but it’s plausible that when we look at the Moon, our brain makes comparisons to far-off horizon things (such skyscrapers or wind turbines), tricking us into believing the Moon is much bigger than it actually is.

Why is it called the Buck Moon?

The antlers of the majority of male deer species (bucks) are lost and grown again each year. In the early spring (or late winter), they lose their antlers, which come back and continue to grow throughout the summer. The antlers are shielded while they develop by a thin, velvety coating that, after they are completely developed, hardens, dries, and crumbles away. Because of this, bucks’ antlers frequently seem “tatty” in the summer.

Bucks often have full-sized antlers by July in preparation for the fall mating season. To compete with other bucks for the best females, they will need to be in excellent condition. The Buck Moon was given to it by the Algonquin people.

The full moon in July is also referred to as the Berry Moon, Raspberry Moon, and Thunder Moon.

Is the Buck Moon 2022 a supermoon?

Yes, the Buck Moon in 2022 is a supermoon, and the second supermoon of the year.

Supermoons are categorised when the Moon is at 360,000km (or less) away from Earth in its orbital path, and we’ll often see two or three full supermoons in a row. The June full Moon, the Strawberry Moon and the August full Moon, the Sturgeon Moon, are both supermoons.

What causes a supermoon?

In comparison to a regular full Moon, a supermoon is around 7% bigger and 15% brighter, or a micromoon is 14% bigger and 30% brighter. Due to the Moon illusion, this effect is enhanced much more when the Moon is on the horizon, as it is this month.

When the Moon, which revolves around the Earth in an elliptical (oval) orbit, comes at its closest point to the planet along its orbital route, a supermoon occurs. The term “perigee” refers to this moment. A supermoon occurs when the Moon reaches perigee at the same time as a full Moon, making it look bigger in the sky.

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About the author

Charmin Patel

Blogger and Digital Marketer by Choice and Chemical Engineer By Chance. Computer and Internet Geek Person Who Loves To Do Something New Every Day.

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