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Effects of Video Games & Violent Toys on Children

Effects Of Video Games | Demerits Of Video Games | Disadvantages Of Video Game

Video games Effects and toys are the essentials of childhood. There is a big charm of video game and toys for children and young ones. Childhood is boring without exiting video games and fascinating toys because they are the source of enjoyment for children and young ones. Another thing is that these video games and toys are also a source of learning for children and young ones. The history of video games is the story of 20th century while the history of toys is very old. Children are playing with different types of toys since the existence of human on this planet. Many games and toys directly affect the nature and mind set of children and young ones.

For example, many children like to play Mario, a famous video game; children learn to complete tasks by facing hurdles. Mario is a very positive and good game for children. Mostly young girls like to play with Barbie dolls, these dolls impact a lot in the sense of love for beauty. But some type of toys and video game badly affect the minds of children. For example, the toy guns and swords, fighter man toys, fighter robot type toys, dolls with serious defects, violent musical instruments, frightening bear type toys etc impact badly on the innocent minds of children and young ones. Such toys stimulate the feelings of revenge and violence in the innocent minds.

Demerits Of Video Games

Some video game like most of the fighting games stimulate the feelings of violence and children may start thinking to implement the virtual things in real life. Video games like GTA or Vcorp etc are no doubt played in the sense of eliminating the enemies but their effects can be fatal on the innocent minds of children. Such games are usually for adults but parents do not care what their child is playing on computer. Such video games should be restricted for the use by the young ones.

 Effects Of Video Games

Such violent toys and videos are very dangerous for young innocent minds. Children start to implement the happenings in videos on their real life. While of children have some violent toys, they can be the victim of depression and frustration. Some children can become psycho for their whole life may suffer from the long lasting effects. So such video games and violent toys should be prohibited in the market so that they children cannot access such material. Parents should also take care of their young ones and keep an eye on their activities to avoid any future problems.

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About the author

Rafia Hasan

I am a Mphill student, basically from Biological sciences. My passion is to promote the love for knowledge and education. Content writing and essay writing is proving to be a great experience to enjoy my student life.

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