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Essay on Eye Donation | Speech on Eye Donation

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How will it be to live without eyesight for a day? I guess most of us don’t even want to think. We won’t be very happy if somebody locks us in a completely dark room for a long time. Even we won’t like if somebody ask us to close our eyes for a long time.

So we can only imagine how it would be to live without eyesight. Our world consists of things big or small but colorful. We see shapes and we recognize people or anything else because of our eyesight. The colorful things distinguishes itself from another ND therefore a have their own identities.

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However not all of us are lucky to have this asset. We will understand and realize only if we somehow are forced to live a life of a blind for few days. Getting sucked into an abysmal darkness, we will understand how precious these are.

Of all charities, eye donation is the noblest because it opens up a new vistas of light for the visually impaired. All we need to do is bequeath our eyes by taking a pledge when we are alive, to donate our eyes after we die. This permission can be given by the closest relative of the deceased too.

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The cornea is the most important part of the eye. Which can become opaque due to infection, injuries, lack of proper post-operative care, malnutrition, and also due to congenital or hereditary reasons. A corneal implantation is done through surgery by which opaque cornea is replaced with a clear one obtained from an eye donor. Within six hours of death a call for eye donation is to be made to the nearest eye-bank of a hospital, and this sets in motion the eye bank after which the team reaches the house of the deceased in no time. At the actual site, eyes of the deceased are removed without causing any disfigurement within 10-15 minutes. There are many tertiary hospitals with whom one can contact and express their will to donate eyes. Global ophthalmic community is now poised up to set up widespread across to corneal transplantation through eye donation. Though in India number of such calls willing to donate eyes have increased. But still it is very low as compared to the demand. And people unwilling or unaware about donating eyes adds to it. However many health organizations are engaging themselves in the task of creating awareness and counseling about this. And this way some improvement have been seen. But still a lot more is to be done.

Common people must be educated about it and they must be convinced about leaving their grief and myths. Only if eye donation becomes a tradition, the corneal blindness incidents can be reduced. However person dying of diseases such as rabies, syphilis, aids, hepatitis, etc. cannot donate eyes.

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About the author

Charmin Patel

Blogger and Digital Marketer by Choice and Chemical Engineer By Chance. Computer and Internet Geek Person Who Loves To Do Something New Every Day.

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