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Essay On Poverty | Speech On How to Stop Poverty

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Poverty means “dearth of food, homelessness, very low or zero annual income”. Poverty is the living below the average line of income. When the children sleep hungry, when a father suicides because his kids could not get food, when a mother is forced to sell her children to get food, when a brother kills his sister because he has no money for her marriage, when a student is forced to leave studies because he has no money for the books and fee, when a kid is compelled to work on a car workshop just to collect something for living, when Africans and some Asians are smuggled for inhuman activities, when a sister sells herself just to feed her younger brother; this is called “Poverty”.


There are thousand and lacs of humans who died every year just because of this scourge of poverty. The scourge of poverty has ruined many families. Many people are miles away from their loved ones and are compelled to live in plight. Their only mistake is that, they have born in this selfish world, where people snatch the right of innocents. No doubt there are also many good people who are working for the poor. But the cruel ones are more in number who does not care about the rights of other humans. The poverty in the world is only due to the unethical behaviors of rich and selfish people. The problem of poverty is aroused due to the inequitable distribution of wealth. There should be a phenomenon of circulations of money to prevent the unethical distribution of wealth.

This is the need of time to eliminate poverty in this world. The elimination of poverty is possible only when we all work together for a single person. The lack of peace is one of the major causes of poverty therefore we have to work for bringing peace first. If we do not try to eliminate the scourge of poverty now, our future generations may suffer it more.

[box type=”warning” align=”” class=”” width=””]Essay On Poverty | Paragraph On Poverty | Poverty Essay | How to Stop Poverty | Speech on How To Stop Poverty | Speech About Poverty[/box]

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About the author

Rafia Hasan

I am a Mphill student, basically from Biological sciences. My passion is to promote the love for knowledge and education. Content writing and essay writing is proving to be a great experience to enjoy my student life.


  • Poverty is a demon in our society, we have to stop it from its roots. If you want to stop poverty in India then we have to join some poverty remover NGO for helping these poor people…

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