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Government Schools vs Private Schools Essay , Debate, Speech

Government Schools vs Private Schools Essay , Debate, Speech

Government Schools vs Private Schools Essay , Debate, Speech | Advantages of Private Schools | DisAdvantages of Private Schools | Advantages of Government Schools | Disadvantages of Government Schools | Government Schools vs Private Schools Debate

Schools are the temples of knowledge and it is the place where a student grows up to be a scholar. Education is the backbone of development of a country and therefore developing this sector is always a part of great consideration by the government. However the question is that which of the two schools are better: Government or Private?

For a few students, either of the choice of school does not matter. They progress under any supervision. But in reality, differences do exist if we compare the two types of schools.

Short Essay on My Last day of school , Government Schools vs Private Schools Essay,Debate,Speech

Government Schools vs Private Schools Essay,Debate,Speech

Government Schools vs Private Schools Essay

Let us talk about the Government school first. Government schools are a hope for the underprivileged sector of the society. It is those Government schools only which are within their limited capacity and affordability. Government  schools provides free and compulsory education to children up to the age of 14 years which is not under the consideration by any private institution. Government schools are setup to provide only minimum required infrastructure and quality of education. This is an important drawback of Government schools. There is no regulation of batch sizes in most of the government institutions. So, many times students suffer as a teacher finds it difficult to control a classroom or give enough attention to weaker students within a stipulated time.

Government Schools vs Private Schools Advantages – Disadvantages

Coming to the discussion of Private schools, In many ways it is wiser to enroll oneself in a Private institution as it has got some serious advantages over Government Schools. Private schools are better in approach towards psychological development of a child. Also better infrastructure is provided by them. Education in Private schools are slowly shifting into Audio- visual mode, which makes studies and learning a fun experience. While the Government schools do not take much steps in improving the quality of performance of the faculties. Many teachers just join for the good- looking salaries but do not care about their teaching and class. Also, in Private schools there are people to check how each teacher is conducting his/her classes as there must be some compulsory tests or evaluation taken each week/ month to check on the progress of a student. These ensure that the teachers are involved too. Quality of Laboratories and Sports education is a lot better in Private school. Ina Private school only a student gets the scope to learn the civilized and modern approach which is in demand in MNC culture.

Conclusion of Government Schools vs Private Schools Debate

Therefore, We can conclude that while Government institutions focus only on basic education, Private schools on other hand believe in providing better opportunities to its students as they face a competition from fellow Private schools as well.

Government Schools vs Private Schools Essay , Debate, Speech , Advantages of Private Schools , DisAdvantages of Private Schools , Advantages of Government Schools , Disadvantages of Government Schools , Government Schools vs Private Schools Debate

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About the author

Charmin Patel

Blogger and Digital Marketer by Choice and Chemical Engineer By Chance. Computer and Internet Geek Person Who Loves To Do Something New Every Day.


  • As for my perception both schools are good in their way. Private schools demand fee then it provides facilities also but those who can’t afford fee they go on government schools but in this time the government schools are also developing and providing facilities to students.

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