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Importance of Yoga | Yoga Essay, Article, Speech, Paragraph

Importance of Yoga | Yoga Essay, Article, Speech, Paragraph

Importance of Yoga

Yoga Essay, Article, Speech, Paragraph, Importance : Yoga is an immensely rich and highly complex spiritual tradition. It means to join the individual soul with the universal soul. The basic aim and function of Yoga is to develop physical and mental strength, resistance to disease and a strong mind.

Yoga have become more popular nowadays because people are realizing its importance and the key to the cure of modern day stress lies in Yoga. Yoga is inexpensive, freehanded form of exercise with a combination of breathing exercises and poses. Yoga is systematic, scientific and result can be obtained by improvement of both physical and mental health.

Importance of Yoga | Yoga Essay, Article, Speech, Paragraph

Yoga and Modernisation

Modern life is resulting us to take up a hectic and unsystematic lifestyle. This combines all the erratic food habits, lack or improper sleep, long working hours, etc. Due to this surely the new generation kids or adults are losing health, vitality, flexibility, energy and overall resistance to diseases.

To find a way of curing all these, there is a hope with yoga. A balanced life can be obtained by practicing yoga and harmonizing body and soul with “ASANS”, pranayama and meditation.

Importance of Yoga For Healthy Life

A healthy body is essential to enjoy life to the fullest and regular practice of yoga can provide a great deal of health. Yoga is not those forms of vigorous exercises. Rather, it is a form of systematic and rhythmic movements that have to be done one after another. Breathing patterns is important in the “ASANS”. A proper yoga follower must follow a set of routines for exercise, rest and diet for maximum results. Yoga is done to obtain peace and it is done peacefully. There is no extreme movement in yoga. Yoga can be performed by people of all ages and even sick people. However sick people must consult an expert to plan the exercises needed to be done or avoided and also the intensity.

A holistic approach to exercise and combination of mantras and meditations during yoga produces many changes in our thoughts and mindset. It makes us free from addiction, enhances our memory power, keeps our mind cool and overall makes us more energetic, effective and builds self-control in us.

Yoga is truly the art of living. It is an ancient art by Rishi Patanjali. It is timeless because it is so much in relevance with what is required today, although it was created centuries ago.

Yoga is very much accepted in the west also and through Baba Ramdev it has become increasingly popular. Therefore overall we can say that Yoga is the key to unlock the divinity in man. Body is considered a temple and yoga is the way to worship it.

Questions On Yoga Essay

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Charmin Patel

Blogger and Digital Marketer by Choice and Chemical Engineer By Chance. Computer and Internet Geek Person Who Loves To Do Something New Every Day.