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Is it Advisable to Use CBD Oil for Small Sized Dogs?

CBD has taken hold of the cannabis market. This is because it is recognized as not only a substance for euphoria but one that provides lots of health benefits. Since its legalization in 2018, the consumer sale of CBD has increased. It is expected to reach a whopping 1.8 billion dollars by 2022. This tells us that this remarkable substance is widely enjoyed by its consumers.

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Vets across the globe speak highly of cannabidiol. This is because it interacts well with the pet’s system, and can help tackle medical challenges. It is why cannabidiol is often prescribed to pet parents. It helps to ease certain medical conditions in them.

Still, should you use CBD for dogs, and if so, what prescription should you follow? This piece will discuss the serving size for CBD on small-sized dogs. It will also discuss the importance of Cannabidiol on canines. So, let’s get right into it.

How Can CBD Help Small-sized Dogs?

Continuous research has proven that cannabidiol is particularly beneficial for canines. How so? well, it helps to alleviate several medical conditions that pooches suffer from. It helps to manage symptoms of depression, anxiety, and seizures. It also helps to manage inflammation in dogs and can improve skin conditions as well. This is according to a few recent studies.

Did you know that cannabidiol might even be more beneficial to dogs? Well, we “humans” use cannabidiol to treat ailments like glaucoma, insomnia, loss of appetite, and much more. However, because humans and canines are affected by CBD in similar ways, connoisseurs are going as far as finding ways to prove that dogs can benefit too from the above-mentioned ways. And, as of now, research is still being conducted on the benefits that canines derive from cannabidiol. And, in due time we will get to learn the full potential of cannabidiol on pets in general.

Dogs and humans both have a system called the endocannabinoid system (ESC). This system is what enables CBD to interact positively in the body. When canines consume it, it goes straight to the ESC, and this helps to provide balance to the body. It ensures that the body is performing at its optimal level.

Here are several ailments CBD can help to alleviate in dogs:

  • Pain and inflammation
  • Epileptic seizure
  • Anxiety and stress
  • Skin diseases

Other potential benefits of CBD on dogs include:

  • Treating insomnia in small-sized dogs
  • Fighting glaucoma
  • Tackling depression
  • Curbing loss of appetite
  • Managing symptoms of dog cancer

How Much CBD Should I Administer to my Small-sized Pooch?

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This is an excellent question and one we hear a lot! There is no doubt that cannabidiol is still a fresh topic to some people. Even more so to our furry friends. What helps is that you are on the right track reading through this piece. We have been doing this for a long time, and we will provide the best possible advice on how to go about this.

Here is my advice:

For a small-sized pooch, the general rule of thumb is to start small. I suggest you begin with 1 or 2 mg for your 10-pound dog. However, if your pooch is slightly above this weight, you can increase it to about 3mg of CBD oil. You can check this link for how to give drugs to canines using food.

Keep in mind that cannabidiol oils come in different concentrations. Make sure to carefully read through the labels of the product you’re purchasing. The amount that is listed on the label is the CBD concentration in the bottle. Note that it is not a per-dose amount. For better clarification, I strongly advise you to consult your vet before administering the compound. A vet would provide you with the right dose best fitting for your pooch. He or she would also lecture you on medications to avoid when prescribing CBD to your dogs.

How Long Does It Take for CBD to Kick in?

Cannabidiol in general takes about 30-40 minutes to effectively start working. However, as aforementioned, CBD oils tend to kick in faster as opposed to treats and biscuits.

Still, they all work effectively well once they kick in. I also recommend you consider using full-spectrum CBD oil on your small-sized pooch. This is because full-spectrum oil has added ingredients that work well with cannabidiol to provide excellent results.

How Long Does It Last?

Whether it be oil or treats and biscuits, your cannabidiol product should last about 5-8 hours. I know this is quite a spread. Still, the duration can change depending on the size of your pooch. And, since you are about to prescribe to smaller-sized dogs, it can last about 5 hours. In general, older pups take a bit longer to digest food as opposed to smaller canines.

The Bottom Line

All dogs are different. They come in several shapes and sizes. This is why we love them a lot. It is also why there isn’t a specific CBD dosage to fit all pooch. This page has suggestions for ways to make your pet happier with cannabis meds.

Finding the right dose for your pooch is highly essential. It ensures that they get the very best from the solution. Finding the right dose might take a bit of experimenting. This is okay as cannabidiol is known to be safe and natural. So, you shouldn’t panic if your pooch gets more or less than it needs during your experiment.

Lastly, I suggest you shop for CBD for dogs from reputable providers. This way, you ensure that the product you are purchasing is safe and organic. Thank you.

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About the author

Charmin Patel

Blogger and Digital Marketer by Choice and Chemical Engineer By Chance. Computer and Internet Geek Person Who Loves To Do Something New Every Day.

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