Essay / Paragraph / Note India


Politics was never amusing for the people till date but thanks to our respected modi ji that everyone has a knowledge about his work done and the recent surgical strike was just a home run.

Though the common people and the farmers are having a tough time, it’s believed that every disease is treated with bitter medicine “bitter the better “it’s the same way with our country today. For a better tomorrow we need bitter steps to be taken today.

With power comes great responsibilities and very few can succeed in this, and one of the definite name will be Sri Narendra modi!

Now let us look into some of the potential work done by Mr. Modi.

The list of course starts with the development seen in Gujarat during his reign.


  • Modi firstly minimized the number of ministers in the cabinet so that they can work more dedicatedly. The government has sent a mandate to all ministers regarding appointment of their staff and has made it clear that they cannot pick family members or relatives. The appointment would be made from a common pool of candidates which will be decided by the department of personnel & training’s appointments committee of cabinet, which is part of the pmo.
  • illicit/black money: a sit (special investigation team) has been set up under the leadership of retired SC judge mb shah to bring back the $500bn (estimated) black money that has flown out of India since independence… the special investigation team’s (sit) efforts to unearth India’s black money received a major boost as the Swiss government draws up a list of Indians suspected of having black money piled away in their banks.
  • Pradhan mantri Jan dhan yojana gave relief to the disadvantaged and low income segment people.
  • A strong answer was given to Pakistan over terrorism.
  • Modi succeeded in bring foreign investments.
  • India’s uranium deal with Australia will make India stronger.
  • Modi’s : clean India initiative
  • To boost the employment he introduced: make in India policy.
  • Many pension schemes were launched.
  • Electricity has been supplied to more than 3000 villages.
  • Power generation through developed wind plants.
  • The led program were launched which saves a huge amount of money every day.
  • Indian railways is undergoing many reforms.
  • Modi government made the coal and spectrum auctions transparent which earned them an amount of two lakhs crores and one lakh crores respectively and also the railways introduced transparency in recruitment and handing out contracts with the aim to eliminate corruption.
  • Delivered one rank one pension to armed forces after multiple decades of struggle.
  • Stronger federalism – last year’s budget gives states 42% of tax collected. this is an important achievement which stops political manipulation of the state governments by the center
  • Beti bachao beti padhao scheme
  • The president’s visit to Vietnam resulted in India extending $ 100m export credit for defense deals.
  • Talks with china resulted in discussions on boundary situation, lac and assurances to find a solution with mutual consent to reduce the hostilities between the rising neighbors.
  • Defense cooperation agreement with the US extended by 10 years. fdi cap raised to 49%.
  • The pm visits border more often, meets the chiefs regularly and instils pride and a new-found confidence in the army men and people alike, deterring and ridiculing the enemy at the same time.



With no doubt we can see the development of India and the list goes on and on. It will be interesting to watch the progress of the black money scheme and what other steps will be taken by Mr. Narendra modi in his left over term period as a prime minister.



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