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Lifestyle diseases in India | Life Style Diseases Prevention and Awareness

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India has surely made a huge progress as compared to what was the situation decades ago. But health monsters in the form of lifestyle diseases have already taken under its wing most of the people. The cardiovascular diseases such as coronary disease of the heart, pressure stroke and diabetes are the most common ailments among Indians.

Urbanization and modernization together are the contributors to lifestyle diseases. Decades ago most Indians used to die of infectious diseases such as cholera, dysentery, malaria, etc. Mainly due to lack of proper medical facilities. But now Indians die of chronic ailments like high blood pressure, cancer, stroke, etc. And not to forget, lots of fatal accidents. Multi organ failure has now surfaced from a cluster of chronic maladies, which are self-earned and probably due to dismal lifestyle.

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After independence, slowly as the economy started to get better, most people migrated from one place to another. From villages to cities, agriculture to industry. This exposes more of the Indian population to the effects of urbanization. And later development of technologies have converted new generation children to sloths of inactivity. This Metamorphosis of human beings depending more and more on technology made them physically less active leading to a sedentary lifestyle. Most children do not play field games and chooses to stay as couch potatoes. This have eroded the placid lifestyle of collective, healthy and active lifestyle that used to beforehand. Lack of relaxation, stress, lack of physical activity, wrong eating habits, etc. have done a great job in providing humans with diabetes and cardiovascular ailments. Rapid change in lifestyle has led to disruption of our biological clock of the body. Even in western countries they are adopting better lifestyle habits. Smoking and consumption of tobacco have gone down drastically.

It is this reason that is pushing fast food brands such as MacDonald and KFC into developing countries. Most of the American School have banned inclusion of colas, pizzas, etc in their meals and canteens. Importance is laid upon organic fruits and vegetables. Fruit juice, herbal tea and red wine are preferred to quench off thirst.

If they can do then why can’t we. We Indians stay in air cooled work stations, thinking within the bubbles and the computer screens. Why most Indians do not show any interest in relaxation and outdoor pastimes us surprising. Westerners are adopting Yoga as one of their fitness program. Then why can’t we? It is our ancient art.

So to change this situation a bit, first of all ample amount of exercises have to be done so as to reduce weight and shed those fats. Secondly, fruits and vegetables should be encouraged for children. Natural organic food must be adopted. Risk factors must be avoided. Lack of proper lifestyle is generating a new epidemic of metabolic disorder, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. So in order to ensure a better future generation health and a healthy population, these things should be taken care of.

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About the author

Charmin Patel

Blogger and Digital Marketer by Choice and Chemical Engineer By Chance. Computer and Internet Geek Person Who Loves To Do Something New Every Day.

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