Essay / Paragraph / Note Knowledge

Importance of Forgiveness : Essay , Paragraph . Speech

Forgiveness means to forget someone’s bad deed or mistake, and don’t punish him/her on that bad deed or mistake, or on bad behavior. Sometimes, a person performs such act which is damaging for us, hurt us, or anyone does such mistake which make our life or a part of life tough. And when we react in response to that act or mistake, it can cause damage on both sides. For example we fight or try to take revenge which means we do the same bad deed which the other did. There will be no difference between that person and us. Secondly if we forgive someone then we are at higher place. There will be no damage to our self respect, instead we become more respectable.


When we avoid forgiveness, a feeling to take revenge always resides in our heart which can cause frustration and as result we may damage our personality. But if we forgive someone on his bad deeds, we feel light, our heart and mind become relaxed and it has a great impact on our personality.

If we think on national and international level, forgiveness and revenge play a very important role in the development of the world. By looking in the past, much warfare was happened as a result of some kind of revenge which caused the death and decline of many nations.

It is the need of time to create a sense of forgiveness in ourselves. Otherwise many lives can be the victim of our so called ego and revenge.

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About the author

Rafia Hasan

I am a Mphill student, basically from Biological sciences. My passion is to promote the love for knowledge and education. Content writing and essay writing is proving to be a great experience to enjoy my student life.


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