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10 Things You Need To Do Now To Retire As a Crorepati

10 Things You Need To Do Now To Retire As a Crorepati

Crorepati : Everyone wants to be rich in his life and want to earn so much that he can spend life without any tension of money. But, people who are rich have more tension about money than others, because they have to spend this money somewhere in some good thing. If you are a crorepati then you are one of the lucky people in the world. You must have to do some precautions and some future planning to retire as crorepati, at least you can try to be crorepati, so that your money can prove to be good for you and can help in your future.  Here we are trying to tell you 10 things you need to do now to retire as a crorepati.

1. Save money for rainy days

Yes, save money for rainy days. It does not mean that you don’t spend money for your routine life. But it means that, do not waste money and save it for the future, for the toughest days. Always be ready to face the trouble.


2. Extra income should be saved

If you are getting any extra income or bonus from your boss then do not waste it, and save it for future. It will be helpful in future. The bonuses you get, the income you earn, the extra points you get, all are for future so do not waste them.


3. Increase income proportionally

When there is an increase in your income then it must be proportionally i.e. don’t increase it suddenly and make it proportional and gradual. It will help you to save its data and store it properly.


4. Do not involve in quick money making schemes

Quick money making schemes are not profitable. They may cause a big loss for you. So do not involve in such schemes. Make money in a legal and proper way.


5. Do investments

Start investing early. It will help you to recover your amount easily in future. Make sure that you are investing in some profitable business. You will be master of your own fate if you believe in saving.


6. Invest in different things

Prefer to invest in different things at a time because it will assure you that if one thing is not profitable, other will be profitable for you. Investment should be fair and deals should be clear without any vague conditions.


7. Avoid credit Cards

Never use credit card payments. It will ruin you by putting you and capturing you in loans. Credit card users always experience loss due to pending payments.


8. Make a separate account for your savings

Separate your accounts for receiving payments and salaries and for saving your money. You must have a separate account to save your money, I mean to say, a saving account. It will be best for your future.


9. Save first, Spend later

First save a part of your money and then spend other part on your routine things. if you start spending much, then you can’t save money for future. So make it a habit to save first and spend later.


10. Constant saving

Do not stop saving if you think there is enough money in your saving account. To save money for future, it is obligatory to save constantly. What you can save, it will be for your future.


Well, if you are not crorepati, you can be, oh no no, not by robbery, by just saving the money that you are spending on unnecessary things.  You can follow these tips to make yourself rich and tension free about money. You will be a rich retired officer if you have a habit of saving. Saving is the key to wealth.

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About the author

Rafia Hasan

I am a Mphill student, basically from Biological sciences. My passion is to promote the love for knowledge and education. Content writing and essay writing is proving to be a great experience to enjoy my student life.

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