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Overseas Adoption of Children Essay , Article

Overseas Adoption of Children

Overseas Adoption of Children Essay | Overseas adoption of children Article

Overseas adoption of children is an emerging issue in this era when there are a lot of problems of infertility and domestic imbalance. Many couples who suffer from infertility then plan to adopt someone’s child for their own satisfaction. The history of adoption of children is very old but the range of adopting children is now increasing day by day. The main reason of adopting child is to have some problems which result in infertility. There are many other reasons of adopting a child for example, some rich people adopt children from low income families to save the future of a child, some people adopt children for the sake of humanity and to help the orphans, some people adopt children from disastrous areas so that the innocent children can forget the crisis from which they passed.

Overseas Adoption of Children Essay , Article

Overseas adoption of children means to adopt children at international level and adoption of children from other countries. The adoption of children is itself an observable issue and can cause some problems at later stages. So the overseas adoption of children is also a complicated issue. If we talk about the process of adoption, it is a long procedure followed by many rules and regulations and restrictions. All countries vary in their laws and requirements which obviously affect the procedure of adoption. Following points should be kept in mind while planning to adopt a child overseas:

Following proper rules and regulations

  • Getting approved as an adoptive parent
  • Adoption education and preparation programs
  • Matching you to a child overseas
  • Meeting your adoptive child
  • Brining the adopted child to your country of residence
  • Costs of inter-country adoption
  • Post-adoption support and responsibilities
  • How feasible are open adoption across countries

Despite of the rules and regulations, there are many other issues of overseas adoption of children. The main hurdle is the difference of traditions and cultural values. Religion is also a main issue because it is illegal to change the religion of a child but no one follows this rule. All the countries differ in their traditions, cultural values, religious values, language, races and social values so a child may or may not adopt the new environment. People may also adopt a new borne baby but there are more restrictions in adopting new borne baby overseas.

In spite of many problems, rules and regulations, people who can face all these problems and manage these issues decently then they are welcome of adopt children overseas for good purpose. Governments and human rights organizations should keep an eye on child adoption and follow the rules strictly to prevent any misuse of child adoption.

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About the author

Rafia Hasan

I am a Mphill student, basically from Biological sciences. My passion is to promote the love for knowledge and education. Content writing and essay writing is proving to be a great experience to enjoy my student life.

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