Career Education University

3 Benefits of Studying at International University

Studying at an international university either at home or abroad is a great way to broaden your horizons and increase your exposure to new ways of thinking and communicating, giving you an advantage over other candidates in your country when it comes to your career options and opportunities to work internationally upon graduating. In this article, we will explore some of the benefits studying at an international university can offer you.

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Improve Your Language Skills

The level of competency required to study a subject at degree level in another language is very advanced. By undertaking your studies in a foreign language, you will test and hone your language skills giving you the opportunity to become fluent.

For example a Middle Eastern student who chooses to pursue their studies at a US academic institution such as American International College will gain fluency in English as well as Arabic. This not only improves their communication skills, but also opens up their prospects in terms of career opportunities and the potential to work abroad.

With the advent of modern technology, the world has never been more interconnected than it is now. Candidates who can communicate effectively domestically as well as internationally will be valued for their language skills and the benefits this brings to an organization.

Cultural Diversity

As you interact with students from other cultural backgrounds to your own you are more likely to develop a more worldly perspective helping you to grow personally as well as professionally.

One of the main benefits of studying in an international environment is this cultural exposure which is also highly prized by employers. According to an Erasmus Impact Study which investigated the impact of Erasmus mobility on skills development and employability, students who study abroad are more likely to gain managerial positions in their career. Other key findings from this study include the following:

  • On average, Erasmus students have better employability skills compared to 70% of all students
  • 64 % of employers value international experience and look for it when recruiting.
  • Over 90% of students reported improvement in their soft skills, such as their ability to interact and work with people from different cultures, adaptability, knowledge of other countries and foreign language and communication skills
  • 92% of employers value transversal skills, such as problem-solving and decision-making, openness and curiosity about new challenges, confidence, tolerance towards other personal values and behaviors

Studying internationally can help you develop a skill set that is highly valued when it comes to your employability prospects.

Earning Potential

Data suggests that studying at an international university can also open the door to higher-paying jobs upon graduating. According to one British study entitled Gone International : Mobile students and their outcomes, graduates who studied abroad are more likely to earn more than their peers.

Among other things, the report examined the salary outcome of students who spent time abroad either studying, working or volunteering during their degree and found that graduates who were mobile earned more in 40 out of 67 subjects after graduating compared to their non-mobile peers. With all of the benefits highlighted in this article, studying at an international university is certainly something worth considering.

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About the author

Charmin Patel

Blogger and Digital Marketer by Choice and Chemical Engineer By Chance. Computer and Internet Geek Person Who Loves To Do Something New Every Day.

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