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Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Essay, Speech(Pros & Cons)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Essay, Speech, Article, Composition

Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Essay, Speech, Article: Internet is basic need of young generation today; youth can survive without food but can’t survive without is strong addiction of youth which is good as well as bad. Initially internet was not so popular but after growth in mobile technology internet has become basic need of people around world. Internet is a most thing which is used now days. Internet has increased communication very fast.


Pros and Cons of Internet

Advantages of Using Internet {Merits of Using Internet}

Internet is advantageous if boys and girls will use it in good purpose. Acquiring information using internet has become very easy. People get everything from internet. Online shopping, online chatting, online banking etc. Everything can be gained using internet anywhere at any time. Distance education is the major advantage of internet, using internet education can be taught at rural areas where there are no teachers available. Students in village can learn through internet they give online exam. Everything has become online today even there is no need to go outside for food; using internet we can order food as there are many pros of Internet.

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The first and the foremost advantages of the internet is that it has brought an era of knowledge where accessing knowledge has become very easy. Any topic, any issue from anything to everything is available on the internet. Accessing knowledge is now no more limited to a few. It is equally available to all at all times.Internet has shortened the distances. Emails, Video Calls and social media are just few examples of advantages of Internet is : how communication has moved beyond the traditional system of voice calls and letters. Internet has brought people closer and has brought the whole world on a single platform to communicate and express them.

Advantages of Internet

Advantages of Internet

Internet has given rise to new sector of businesses which has arisen because of the Internet. Alibaba, Flipkart, Amazon are the few examples of businesses are the result of benefits of internet . There are plethora of other successful examples of entrepreneurial ventures that strive pros of internet and its power.The traditional systems are now getting more easy and transparent. All work is now being done online be it banking or filing of e-Returns. This has made all these systems more credible and transparent.

The internet has thus made the global world more connected and well connected and has brought parity by providing equal access to knowledge to everyone. Internet is a powerful tool and has definitely marked a new era.

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The internet has led to a revolution. The world history can be now looked into two era-one before the internet and one after the internet. The second one is a compact world which has surpassed the geographical boundaries and has brought the entire world on the fingertips of the people.

Disadvantages of Using Internet {Demerits of Using Internet}

Every coin has two side and same as internet too. As There are some Disadvantages of Internet also for who use it bad purpose. Hacking, shipping, fishing, intruding, cyber-crime is taking place just because of cons of internet. Even college students who use it for bad purpose face difficulty and get fished into some fishy tricks. Security is main aspect in internet if people are doing transaction of lakhs and if someone hacks its account them it can be disadvantages of security and usability are prime concern of internet.

Conclusion on Advantages & Disadvantages of Internet Debate

So if the thing is available for two purposes then we should always look for the positive one. If we use it positively we can increase our knowledge and earn money too. Information can be easily retrieved using it. Internet is boon for those who use it for positive purpose and curse for whom who use it for negative purpose.

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About the author

Charmin Patel

Blogger and Digital Marketer by Choice and Chemical Engineer By Chance. Computer and Internet Geek Person Who Loves To Do Something New Every Day.


  • hi iam student in grade 9 and I need a short essay and simple I can’t write that please try to make for small students

  • wow! great essay i am in grade 9 and it is good but i want essay on terririsom please send me as soon as possible u can

  • As technology and the Internet continue to evolve in the Digital Age, internet safety advocates are fearful of their negative impacts. Excessive use of the internet and online sexual harassment are just some of the risks parents want to protect their kids in the digital age. However, the Internet also has its positive impacts, such as access to different online learning environments and peer-to-peer support from other students worldwide.

    The Internet definitely has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. It’s up to us parents to remind them about its positives and negatives. The Internet in the Digital Age will continue to evolve and smart parenting is key in protecting our children’s innocence.

  • HI!!!!!!!
    I am student of class 8th and I want to be so intelligent in the class but I can’t but you made me .
    Thanks a lot !!!!!!!!!!!

  • The essay was good, but your grammer really needs to improve. I am in the 8th grade and I can do better than that.

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