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Top 10 Most Expensive Paintings in the World

Top 10 Most Expensive Paintings in the World

Most Expensive Paintings in the World : Someone said very well about painting that “Painting is just another way of keeping a diary”. So a good painting is that which tells a whole story in one picture. A good painting expresses the feelings, describes the emotions and depicts the conditions behind. Almost all paintings are good enough to attract the attention of viewers. But there are only few which create the history. Only few paintings are able to cast prints in the history. Such paintings are called “Masterpiece” and these masterpieces are few, not everyone. There are few paintings in the world which are at the rank “precious” so these paintings are the most expensive paintings of the world. Here we are doing to tell you about some most expensive paintings which got the place in the world of art and imposed a good impression on viewers.

#1 The card players

This painting is the creation of Paul Cezanne which costs above $250 million. It was painted during the Cezanne’s final period in the early 1890s. There was a series of paintings but one of them was famous than others.


#2 Three Studies of Lucian Freud by Francis Bacon

It was not only the most expensive painting but it is also a record for contemporary work of art. It costs almost $142, 4 million.

Expensive Paintings in the World

#3 Willem de Kooning—Woman 3

This painting was painted by Geffen in 2006. It was bought by billionaire Steven A Cohen. It costs $137,500,000

Expensive Paintings in the World

#4 When will you marry me?

It was painted by Paul Gauguin and was sold to the Royal family of Qatar in February 2015.  Its cost was $300 million.


#5 Jackson Pollock  1948

This painting was presented by Jackson Pollock. It resembles to a bird’s nest and contain a deep meaning inside. It was of $140 million but its recent rate is $163.8 million.


#6 The Scream by Edvard Munch

This was a very expensive work and very expensive piece of painting. It was a masterpiece from the four versions of Edvard Munch’s work. It costs $119.9 million.


#7 Bal du Moulin de la Galette

It was presented by a French artist Pierre-Ausguste Renoir. It depicts the Parisian art form impressionism. It portrays the typical Sunday noon at the Moulin de lla Galette.   It costs $78k.


#8 Portrait of Dr. Gachet

It is the portrait of  Dr. Gachet in which Dr Gachet is sitting with his head resting on his hand. In 1990, the painting was sold at $82.5 million. Now its price is $148.9 million.


#9 Le Reveby

This is Pablo Picasso’s work. He portrayed his mistress Marie-Therese Walter in the fauvism style. In March 2003, it was bought in $155 million.

Most Expensive Paintings

#10 Version O

It was also the work of Pablo Picasso. It was a cubist art work and was brought was a member of Royal Family. It costs $179.4 million.


Apparently, we may think that what these paintings are about? And why people are showing interest in this field. Nothing can be a replacement of historical heritage and art work. Govt should provide such activities.  The paintings are expensive and out of range from any people.

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About the author

Rafia Hasan

I am a Mphill student, basically from Biological sciences. My passion is to promote the love for knowledge and education. Content writing and essay writing is proving to be a great experience to enjoy my student life.

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