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These 10 Reasons Why It’s Cool To Date a Girl Who Codes

10 Reasons Why It’s Awesome To Date a Girl Who Codes

Girl Who Codes means the girls who are programmers, who have knowledge of programming, can be the best partner for you. Do you know why? Do you ever think of having a girl who can joke in codes? Who can enjoy hacking with you? Yes these qualities can make a girl awesome because not all girls can understand computers so if your girl is expert in computers, you are lucky dude. J We are going to tell you some awesome reasons that why it is awesome to date a girl who codes:

1. You can truly enjoy shows like ‘Big Bang Theory’ & movies like ‘Interstellar’ with her:

It means that if you cannot understand some jokes or some scenes in the movie then she will be there to make it understandable for you. You will really enjoy the way by which she will explain that “big bang theory” to you.

big bang

2. She knows the value of ‘ ; ‘

Are you allergic to incomplete sentences? But if your girl is a coding girls then you will never have to face this situation. The girl, who codes, likes to explain the things. She is more descriptive and tells the details what you need. She does not end up in just leaving the things unanswered.

value of

3. You can go to a Hackathon with her

A girl who does not have knowledge of coding and programming will not give you a company at hackathon. But a girl who codes enjoys the day with you and a little bit competition too.


4. Talking of the missing semicolon, she can debug which means she’s a problem solver


A girl who codes, knows the solution of coding problems. So she has ability of debugging, she can solve the problems. You will be lucky to have such girls in your life.

5. You can discuss things like Musk, Gates, Jobs & Woz

All these names are not of some good foods etc. But these names are of some great people of the world. A girl who codes will not bore you and if you want to discuss about Bill gates or Steve jobs then your girl will also take part in discussion. May be she is awesome in discussion.


6. She makes a living coding “if-else” decisions

Your life will not be a puzzle game, and she will define it clearly. If you do this for her, welcome, else get out of the heart even. You will not have any other option expect if and else. You will enjoy this attitude man.

if else

7. She doesn’t ask you dumb questions like, “How can I find the IP address of the computer?”

Oh, the girls who don’t know anything about programming and coding, may ask you to tell some very simple things, like she may ask you, how to find IP address? But a girl who codes, never ask such dumb questions and she will find such things very easily.


8. She can get your jokes

Programmers have a habit of talking in the language of computers. If you find a girl who can code, you are really going to enjoy the jokes in new manner, in new way. She can catch up the illusions and can explain the hidden meanings.

progrmming jokes

9. You can build your own product, your own app, your own startup, maybe?

If you have partner who can code then it will pave a path for you to build up your own business. You can start a new project with the support of your girl. She can make you able to develop your own app.


10. You kids will be awesome too

If your relationship is going to be so long and transforming into marriage then you are lucky more. Your kids will be awesome that they will start developing the apps when the kids of others will be wetting their beds. It means a girl who codes can prove herself as “an awesome mother” indeed.

After reading all of the above reasons, are going to find a programmer girl? And if you are in a relationship with a programmer girl already then think yourself “the lucky one”.


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About the author

Rafia Hasan

I am a Mphill student, basically from Biological sciences. My passion is to promote the love for knowledge and education. Content writing and essay writing is proving to be a great experience to enjoy my student life.

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