
Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology

Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology (SCTIMST) is the institute for medical sciences and technology located in Thiruvananthapuram Kerala. It was established in 1973 by the efforts of Chitra Tirunal Balarama Varma to educate the people of Kerala. It was a center of science and technology working under the administration of government of India, and after the idea of amalgamating medical sciences with technology; it was designated as the Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology in 1980. From that time, it is working for the progress and development in different fields of medical and technology.


Departments/ Divisions

SCTIMST offers studies in many medical and technology fields. There are two wings working at SCTIMST which are further divided into relative departments. Hospital wing is working in the fields of all medical sciences while biomedical technology wing has 12 departments working for the provision of high quality education. Hospital wing of SCTIMST is working to provide best medical facilities for patients and to prepare a team of medical professionals. Biomedical technology wing is working and researching in the advanced fields of biomedical technology.

Degree programs

SCTIMST offers 13 academic programs which include post graduate degree programs and diplomas. Undergraduate programs are not yet offered by the institute but different courses and diplomas are available for the sake of education and awareness. SCTIMST offers post doctoral courses in different medical fields, PG diplomas, public health care programs, special nursing programs, Mphill degree courses, MD in transfusion medicine etc. The list of all available programs is here:

Fee Structure

SCTIMST is working under the government of India, so it offers a very flexible fee structure suitable for both students and their parents. Job doing persons can easily complete any diploma or degree even during their job. Students are also supported by introducing different scholarship schemes. Fee structure of SCTIMST changes every year but it is always in favor of students so that the students can continue their higher studies. Fee structure is available in latest prospectus which is available at the official website.


A number of facilities are available at SCTIMST for both students and employees. These facilities include well organized library, well equipped wet labs, advanced computer labs, facility of clinical engineering and imaging services, vast auditorium etc. Education is interesting if there is the availability of high standard facilities. SCTIMST promote medical education and relationship of technology with medical therefore it has the facilities for both medical and technological research.


SCTIMST provides best research facilities for scientists, medical researchers and students. Research is the basis of invention and the first step in progress is research. Science depends on research and SCTIMST understands this requirement therefore it provides the high standard research facilities at the institutes. Scientists, researchers, and students are making distinctions by doing research in differen areas. You can find the list of research areas here:

Why Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology (SCTIMST)

SCTIMST is doing the best in the field of medical sciences and technology. If you are planning to do something good medical or biomedical technology fields then SCTIMST is the best choice in Thiruvananthapuram Kerala.

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About the author

Rafia Hasan

I am a Mphill student, basically from Biological sciences. My passion is to promote the love for knowledge and education. Content writing and essay writing is proving to be a great experience to enjoy my student life.

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