
SP Jain School of Global Management: The ideal destination to learn business

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SP Jain School of Global Management is a heaven for business aspirants who would desire to sharpen their skills and tactics before entering the practical field of business. It was founded in 2004. SP Jain School of Global Management provides business education (MBA) globally. It is also termed as the “Master of Global business”. It has branches in four different countries, the Middle East (Dubai), Australia, India and Southeast Asia (Singapore). It familiarizes you to multiple business environments, cultures and market conditions. An outstanding benefit is that it’s a global school and hence, you would get to know and adapt to business cultures internationally.

The structure of learning

SP Jain has a unique structure that would appear perfect for any student. It makes use of modernized techniques like online lessons, decision making labs, guest lectures, industry sessions, research projects, a lot of interactions etc for the post graduate students. To add on, a new feature of the post graduate program has been brought in. It is a Blended model of learning, where the MBA program is a package of both theory and its practical application. This one year course is said to lay the foundational knowledge and skills required for business aspirants. Moreover, the online techniques of learning such as webminars help in better retention of the knowledge gained over the months.

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The MBA package provided in SP Jain includes a 4 month internship after the 1 year course is complete. Here, the main aim is to use advanced application based topics that would engage the students in asking the right questions to frame issues, using the right tools for data analysis etc. After data analysis, the student must be able to derive apt information with value and it is accompanied by his/her innovative capacity. Digital technology is used to develop solutions that are much higher in quality and content than the normal clichéd solutions.

Achievements and accomplishments

There are certain achievements and accomplishments that deserve a mention. SP Jain has attained great reputation over the past few years and has been ranked as one of the business schools that provide the best MBA programs in the following:

  • Financial Times- Top 100
  • Forbes- Top 20
  • Forbes- Top 10
  • The Economist- Top 100 business schools
  • SP Jain has also been accredited by prestigious associations like ACCA (Association of Chartered Accountants), ABEST21 (The Alliance on Business Education and Scholarship for Tomorrow), TEQSA (Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency) etc. At the end of the degree, the students are awarded with an Australian degree. This, in turn, increases the chances of being accepted in huge corporate and business houses.

Various under grad programs offered:

  • Bachelor of Business Administration
  • Bachelor of Business Communication
  • Bachelor of Economics

Various post grad programs offered:

  • Master of Global Business.
  • Global Master of Business Administration
  • Executive MBA

It also provides other Doctoral, Professional and Partnership courses.

All about MGB:

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The tri-city package is a huge advantage to students studying here. Students get to study in at least three different international cities. If you want to be a successful business tycoon, it is very important to know the business environment not just nationally but also globally. It becomes very simple after studying at SP Jain. MGB is nothing but Master of Global Business. Apart from business tools and online learning etc, students here get exposed to actual business conditions and diverse cultures, beliefs and even technological advancements. The students also participate in special global learning classes where business frameworks are learned and also tested later on. They get to be involved with the local companies and conduct real-time application based projects, which would help them with a better understanding. This can help you predict the risks of investing in an international company in the future etc. It also helps you in critical decision making. The skill can be mastered during the study period as it is very important in the field. It is assisted by computer-aided simulations.

An important aspect of this course is the four month internship after the course. This is the basis for transforming into talented bunch of individuals. The application of theoretical knowledge practically in real life is very important. More than about 60 percent students from MGB got their jobs after the internship and mostly, they just extended their internships and converted them into their full time job.

More details about GMBA

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  • GMBA lays emphasis on Global Master of Business Administration.
  • As discussed before, you get to stay in a minimum of three international cities and staying in international cities means your understanding about different cultures, traditions and their link to the business world will be very good.
  • Your leadership and communication skills must be on point and SP Jain gives its students an edge in the workforce.
  • In the P2E program, you can get to learn professional business writing, oral communication, fluency, research skills, knowledge of interviews etc.

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SP Jain School of Global Management is hence, by far the best management school with high quality MBA programs attached with a lot of benefits. To register, click here.














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About the author

Charmin Patel

Blogger and Digital Marketer by Choice and Chemical Engineer By Chance. Computer and Internet Geek Person Who Loves To Do Something New Every Day.

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